Do You Know?

Favorite color, favorite food, favorite television show, etc... We probably know these things about our spouse, but do we know what they like in the area of intimacy? Many couples tend to assume they know how to please their spouse, but they aren't called fantasies for nothing!

Sex isn't a dinner table topic, but it should definitely be discussed. Have you asked your spouse what their desires are? Do you know? Do you care? LOL!

I know what hubby's likes and dislikes are, but he has to remind me FREQUENTLY. Why? Because I allow complacency to settle in this area, but he does a great job reminding me!

For the ladies with the 'I have a headache' or 'just get it over with' attitude....take care of your business or....well...someone may be waiting in the wind to take care of it for you!

Complacent romance and unmet sexual needs lead to doors we do NOT want to open.

If you haven't asked your spouse about his/her needs and desires lately, place it on your to-do list. Also, remember that as couples mature and grow older, needs and desires change.
Your spouse may not have the same wants as when you first married.

Needs and wants are obviously different with men and women, but with communication, I'm sure you and your spouse can find the merriment in the middle.


  1. Great timing on this.. this was our discussion yesterday... After 21 years of marriage - spice is much needed.... love this blog..

    Love to you!

  2. This is an area I need to work on. We have talked in this area before but it's been a while. I need to pull out the questions again.
    Thank You for this, I needed reminder!


You can't handle the truth!