I Don't Have a Husband Anymore

Yes, I still have a husband.

I actually had someone tell me she didn't feel she has a husband anymore because he was so disconnected. You would never know it to look at them because they are usually always together, yet there is little to no conversation. They've been this way for a few years, but her only desire is to renew her marriage. I think this is so beautiful because after a year of no conversation, the 'D' word would have come out of my mouth.

Love, commitment, patience, understanding, long suffering, acceptance, humility and a few other powerful love qualities are definitely necessary to withstand trying times in a marriage - even if the storm lasts for more than you think you can tolerate. You never know until you've been there!

This woman waiting and wanting restoration in her marriage is an amazing example of what marriage is about. Not knowing much about her husband besides the one-sided story I heard from her, everyone deserves another chance...or do they? Does it depend on the situation? If so, would that be called conditional love? I believe they've been married for over 20 years, so they've already experienced their share of storms. This is also proof of the various seasons marriages go through as we age together. Aging brings on another set of issues to deal with - adult children, frequency of sex or lack of, menopause, and even the mid-life crisis some men experience. 

Whatever the case, be still in your storm. It HAS to pass! Have you ever known a storm to last forever? The storm may tear up a few things and scare the heck out of you, but after it passes and clean up is done, you hardly know a storm came through!

Be encouraged!


  1. Anonymous12/4/11

    Quite an encouraging and informative post. Thanks for sharing. I really liked it.

    Take the Happiness Together test and find out a number of helpful insights about happiness in relationship with your partner. It helps you discover just how happy you and your partner are in your relationship.

  2. I love what you had to say. I am not married but this is so true. Sometimes that storm is in connection to another area of life but it too shall pass. Marriage is worth working for!

  3. Claudia,

    Thanks for sharing the Happiness Together test. I think I'll share it on the site soon.

    Believer, you're right. Marriage is definitely worth working for especially since it belongs to God!


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