How Long?
Lately, I've been meeting older women who have stayed in their marriages although they are not happy. This is old school love...the til death we do part kinda love that seems to be leaving the new school marriages of today.
The fact is, there is no old school or new school marriage. Marriage has always been and will always's the people in the marriage that have lost values, morals, and respect for not only marriage but obviously their mate.
Take a look at your marriage. Are you willing to put up with what you might be sick and tired of til death or are you ready to just throw in the towel because you're sick and tired?
Remember this, if you are a Believer, God hasn't gotten sick and tired of you!
Hmmm...I'm chewing on that statement myself!
The fact is, there is no old school or new school marriage. Marriage has always been and will always's the people in the marriage that have lost values, morals, and respect for not only marriage but obviously their mate.
Take a look at your marriage. Are you willing to put up with what you might be sick and tired of til death or are you ready to just throw in the towel because you're sick and tired?
Remember this, if you are a Believer, God hasn't gotten sick and tired of you!
Hmmm...I'm chewing on that statement myself!
Til Death Do Us Part
"I Do"
I do...agree to stand by my mate through good times and bad times
I do...agree to stand behind my mate in difficult circumstances
I do...agree to recognize my mate's weaknesses, but not use them against him/her
I do...agree to look beyond my mate's faults
I do...agree to be my mate's FRIEND through thick and thin
I do...agree to forgive and restore regardless of the issues at hand
I do...agree to put my mate's needs before my own
I do...agree to love my mate especially in the unlovable moments
I do...agree to expect hard times and believe they will make us stronger
I do...agree to embrace my mate's total being
I do...agree to do my best to get to know my mate
I do...agree to not nag, purposely irritate, or frustrate my mate
I do...agree to look past my mate's bad days
I do...agree to encourage my mate
I do...agree to speak good things about my mate
I do...agree to find the good in everything about my mate
I do...agree to remember I made a vow to "I do" till death do us part
Do you?